One of the cool things about the evangelist team at DataStax is that we're encouraged to spend time writing code to contribute back to the community. For example, Helena's work on the Spark Cassandra connector, Jon's work on cqlengine, ...
After spending some time writing the KillrVideo app and ASP.NET Identity persistence for Cassandra, one thing became glaringly obvious to me--I really missed having a micro-ORM. I spent a lot of time writing boilerplate mapping code, taking rows ...
I've been spending an awful lot of my time lately digging through DataStax C# Driver for Cassandra, trying to help our team formulate a plan to make it better. To that end, I headed out to San Jose last week to meet up with the newest addition ...
Putting up a blog is hard. I can almost hear people's thoughts now, "Why would I ever listen to what this guy has to say when he thinks putting up a blog is hard?!" Well, I don't mean hard in the sense of technically difficult. ...